Friday, July 6, 2012

currently playing:

Alright, I'm just gonna come flat out and say it.
I LOVE music!
.....actually no, that would be a preposterous understatement, but I guess we shall just go along with it for now.  
Basically, my point here is that I do not wish to limit the content which I post on this blog in any way, shape or could call this domain my personal ['creative'?] outlet.  
I am not a single faceted person (most of you can relate, I hope) so I thought to myself, "gee, why not share some musical ambrosia with the rest of the world?!" (or the internet, whichever you prefer).

So without further ado, here it is!
  • About a Man by Deadwood Floats.  Found out about this band because of their amazing Bon Iver cover of Holocene [free track here!].  I realized they have a ton of potential so I looked [listened] into their music; to say the least, I was pleasantly surprised.  My favorite part of this song is certainly the intro, I love the classical symphonic build up.  It's truly a beautiful collaboration of instruments.  Give it a listen, you won' t be disappointed!
  • Sex Tourists by French Kicks.  Pretty provocative name, if I do say so myself.  I downloaded some music and came across this song. Thought it was a decent tune, then let it go.  I recognized this track whilst viewing the new-ish movie, Seeking a Friend for the End of the World, but I couldn't recall what song was playing for the life of me.  This immediately progressed into my burning desire to figure out the song which struck such a nostalgia in me.  So, I searched high and low like a mad woman through the interwebz, but never realized what was truly in front of me.  After my revelation, I returned to the sweet bliss of the guitar and drum combination throughout the song.  Definitely a great track for a night driving playlist.  I can't quite  figure out why certain songs appeal to me through specific scenarios, but I sure like it! ha.
After searching for links to the songs mentioned above, I concluded that they aren't new whatsoever, so my apologies but they obviously still hold prominent spots on my playlists!
  • Everything Goes My Way by Metronomy. This band has this really unexpected English electro-pop vibe.  I've been a fan of Metronomy for only a short period of time, but I dig their style immensely.  The pinnacle of my love for them struck once my friend turned on this song whilst en route to a party sometime before the last week of school.  Such a lovely simple tune, I'd say it's quite mellow as well.  Give a listen to The Bay and The Look.
  • Tanlines by Brothers.  Found this track on an old Urban Outfitters playlists.  While I'm at it, I might as well let you guys know that Urban Outfitters makes amazing playlists for up-and-coming artists.  I find that a lot of the bands and such they post along their playlists blow up within the next year, or so; playing at pretty big venues & festivals.
 With that, I shall sign off from this draft [now published] at precisely 12:57 in the morning (you could call me a night owl)! xx

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